[A must-see for yoga beginners!!] Learn about the effects of Sun Salutations!


What is Sun Salutation ?

Sun Salutation is a sequence that often appears in yoga lessons. It is a basic yoga practice that is performed with one breath and one movement and is also called moving meditation .

It is called "Surya Namaskar" in Sanskrit and "Sun Salutation" in English, and is a yoga sequence to respect the sun and give thanks for its blessings. There are slight differences depending on the style.

This time, we will introduce the basic Ashtanga-based Sun Salutation. Please learn the flow and give it a try.

What are the benefits of Sun Salutation?

Sun Salutations, which use the whole body and move in tandem with your breath, have many benefits.

Peace of mind

Sun Salutation involves taking yoga poses while breathing deeply. Regulates the autonomic nervous system and stabilizes the mind You can expect this. It is also effective in improving motivation and concentration.

Practicing Sun Salutations in the morning can help you feel energized for the day.

Increased flexibility

By repeating forward bending, downward dog pose, upward dog pose, etc., you can expect to improve the flexibility of the back and front of your body . By repeating this every day, you will acquire the flexibility required for yoga.

Improves metabolism throughout the body

Sun Salutation focuses your attention on the whole body. By bringing your breath to your fingertips and using your whole body, you can expect to improve blood and lymph flow . It is also effective in improving poor circulation and swelling.

If your body is cold when you wake up in the morning, it is recommended that you do this before starting yoga. Warming up your body will loosen your muscles and make yoga more enjoyable.

Improve your constitution

It is expected that improved blood circulation will not only alleviate poor circulation and swelling, but also constipation, stiff shoulders, etc. It is recommended for those who want to work on improving their physical condition .

Posture improvement

Sun Salutation starts with Mountain Pose. By strengthening the core and back muscles, you can naturally improve your posture. This is an effective yoga sequence for people who are worried about slouching .

Sun Salutations are the foundation of yoga and are recommended for those who want to improve their flexibility and core strength and deepen their yoga practice.

What are the key points when doing Sun Salutations?

When performing Sun Salutations, it is recommended to keep the following points in mind to improve your concentration!

Take care of your breath

In Sun Salutation, it is important to breathe properly. Simple yoga poses are connected by breathing. If you are not used to it, it is surprisingly difficult to breathe deeply. First of all, it is a good idea to make an effort to be able to breathe.

Let's focus on the center!

The next thing to be aware of is to feel the center of your body. By being aware of your core and tanden, the axis of your body will be stabilized and you will be able to perform the Sun Salutation smoothly.

Once your breathing becomes natural, you will automatically become aware of it.

Eye contact is also important

Finally, be conscious of your gaze. When you raise both hands, look at your thumbs. When bending forward, look at the tip of your nose. When doing Down Dog, look at your navel. By deciding on your gaze and moving accordingly, you can further increase your concentration.

Doing everything at once takes practice, but I recommend starting with your breath, imagining that your breath is what drives the movement.

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